Gestures of Love
Written by Arushi B. of the PLJ team / illustration from Dribbble
148 days. That’s not just a counter for the imposition of lockdown where I live- it’s also the number of days since I’ve seen or hugged my best friends. It’s hard living through a pandemic, and even harder to be unable to spend time with my friends or shower them with affection. I couldn’t live with that. So, I had to come up with some ways to do what I couldn’t in person. So I sat down, and I made my friend a playlist full of songs that reminded me of her. She loved it. It floored me how much a tiny gesture, a tiny effort could brighten someone’s day. Spending time and some effort for someone you love is important, especially now, stuck in our own homes.
There’s so many small things you can do to make someone feel good! Here are some of the ideas I’ve had for little gestures of love:
· You could write your friend an email or letter telling them how much you love them and what your favourite qualities about them are.
· Put together a list of your favorite memories with them
· Make them a wallpaper for their phone on an editing website.
· Put together a playlist for them on Spotify
· Send them voice notes about your day and ask about theirs
· Make a video edit or collage of your favorite pictures of or with them
· Send them a basket with their favorite grocery store snacks or candy
Gestures of love don’t always have to be grand. It’s important to validate and show love to the people close to you, and you can do that with only a little time and effort.