Taking “adulting” slow in your 20s
As we enter our 20s, the pressure becomes real. We're seeing more and more people seemingly doing so well at such a young age, especially on social media. But stop, before you compare yourself to others, remember that other people’s success does not mean your failure. It doesn’t devalue your accomplishments. Now breathe and notice. Notice all you have accomplished since a few days ago, a few weeks ago. What are you proud of? Perhaps you finally started working on a passion, an assignment that you have put off for a while. Perhaps you’ve finally given yourself time to relax. All of these, even the smallest of your accomplishments, as long as they brought you joy, they’re valid. Remember them, and tell yourself: “hey! You’re doing great too!”
We also often forget that it’s okay to still be learning. You probably already realized that there's so much they didn't teach in school for you to better prepare yourself as an "adult." Don't be afraid to ask. Seek answers. However, set this course of actions at your own steady yet comfortable pace. It’s okay to feel anxious about the uncertainty of it all, but remember that right now in this moment you already know more than you ever had, and still for the past say 17 years, you have made it through, strongly. You’ve had ups and downs but you made it. And you will continue to go forwards in your life, learning, and growing. This is an endless journey and later on, you will be thanking yourself for taking your time.
As a last note, remember that time is relative. As Einstein states, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference. No one else's but yours. Time exists for you to not do everything all at once. Embrace your age as the years come by. Change is inevitable and you have to make the most out of it. How? By being present and taking it slow.